Friday, August 1, 2014

Weight-loss project: Tips for losing belly fat

I'm at a strange phase of my weight-loss project in that I'm in between the fast, big results that come at the beginning of the effort, and I'm not yet to the point at which I have a small-to-non-existent belly. I guess I'm a weight-loss Tweener. :-)

Considering adjustments to my workouts and nutrition, I found this article providing tips for reducing belly fat.

On the one hand, the advice seems right in line with just about everything else I've read on the subject (nutrition and activity level matter most, do intervals, do high-intensity intervals, eat nuts, avoid low-fiber carbs, especially limit the potatoes and white bread, and so on).

However, I really like that the article gives you so many approaches with which to experiment. I recommend picking a few techniques that seem interesting, and take them for a test spin. Some suggestions may really appeal to you, and others may not (for example, I'm not crazy about the "weigh yourself every day" suggestion).

I think I want to try to do the elliptical with my eyes closed and without holding the handles (giving my core a more intense workout), adjusting the interval times in my once-weekly high-intensity intervals, drinking two glasses of water before dinner, and getting on board more with flossing my teeth (seriously, that was one of the suggestions).

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